Sunday, January 25, 2009

Winter Storm Update

It looks like most of us will pick up 1" - 3" of snow and sleet, while areas under the Watch could pick up 3" - 6" of snow and sleet. The freezing rain will primarily stay outside of our viewing region, however, areas in extreme southern portions of our viewing region could pick up a glazing of freezing rain along with the sleet and snow. The good news for us in Mid-Missouri is that larger freezing rain amounts will stay SE of the I - 44 corridor.

This is the very latest, for now~


Saturday, January 24, 2009

Significant Winter Weather Approaching

A stationary front will stall out in southern MO Monday afternoon and will bring periods of freezing rain, sleet, & snow to Mid-Missouri Monday evening through Wednesday. The heaviest of the activity will stay SE of 1-44, however, Mid-Missouri will still pick up on some accumulation as well.

Sunday: A few flurries, possible. Most of us stay dry, with the exception of extreme northern counties.

Monday: Snow likely for most of us. South of Jeff City, expect more sleet & freezing rain with minor accumulation.

Tuesday: More snow, sleet and freezing rain possible. Some significant accumulation is possible.

As always, there is a bit uncertainty with snowfall, sleet totals, and the timing of everything. Check back again tomorrow evening for updates and snowfall totals!


Monday, January 19, 2009

Waiting on a mid-week warm up...

So is anyone else freezing! I'm ready for spring!!!!! Just a thought this evening....

Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Coldest Air Since 1999 Arrives In Mid-Missouri

This week expect two surges of Arctic air to push into Mid Missouri. The first will come behind a cold front Monday night and the other Wednesday night. Highs will not break freezing after Monday until next weekend and overnight lows could dip below zero Thursday night! Make sure to cover any exposed skin in weather like this and limit your time outdoors this week. Also, remember your pets! Do not leave them outside for prolonged periods this week.

If you have any elderly folks or family/friends without heat, this is the week to make sure they are safe and have everything they need to stay warm this coming week!

'til next time......
